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10 hours of private training sessions to develop your personal practice


This service consists in:

  • initial consultation and assessment of your level of practice.

  • a total of 10 hours of private training sessions about multi elements* which will be incorporated session by session.

  • setting homeworks and building a specific program according to your goals

  • constant consulting and feedbacks online** in between sessions.


Note: the cost of the session does not comprehend the entrance at the gym or any extra cost due to logistic or travel costs. The total of 10 hours have to be completed in a maximum of 3 months (12 weeks)


*for example improving mobility of a specific region of the body, restoring and training flexibility, learning specific movements, working on some specific skills (such as the handstand / muscle up / front lever / compound lifts ecc…), setting a training routine, ecc. These are only examples, as I said previously, everybody has personal goals and visions, so every single session will be different.